Saturday, May 23, 2009

That's what best friends are for...
They make each day worth living and more
They'll stand by you
When the times are tough
And the goings are rough
Whether lending a hand
or taking a stand
They are always there
That's what best friends are for.

This is to my amazing friends, I love ya'll so much.

Friday, May 15, 2009

Last weeks at school

Here are just a few pictures of my friends at college! I will miss you all terribly!

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Well only one more week til I leave for Iowa! I was actually very BORED today! I have no school and no homework!! It was driving me crazy! Tamyra left today for her brother's graduation and I am pretty sad :( But me and Katie have been hanging out... we roasted marshmellows over an opened fire...not really it was actualkly the flame from the gas stove in the dining hall but HEY it worked! Then we made delicious smores yum yum yum... well Im sorry there are no pictures! I will do some soon! I hope everyone is doing good at home! I will see you all soon! I miss you Tamyra can't wait to see you!